Sunday, August 8, 2010

Chirp it Nerd

Okay, so what started this all? Let’s go back to the beginning.

I have always been a nerd and I have always talked nerd to everyone around me. No this does not mean I use big words and do math equations on my head (I hate math except trig) it means I be myself 24/7. 'be my self 24/7' you're probably thinking 'what the hell? This chick is crazy, who is she if she isn't herself and why is that a hard thing?' But I'll tell you why being myself is hard sometimes. I tend to drive people of the male species away with my intense views on the little I know of life. I mess up all the time, I mean I'm a disaster in human form. The only thing that saves me from doing stupid things, falling, spilling drinks and basically being a whirl wind of chaos is that I have learnt in my short 16 years that these bad things are bound to happen and I brace myself for them. So my point is, just so you don't get too lost is that I am a nerd, not only in the fact that I read but the fact that I live and breath nerd and always have. Being a nerd from birth I have decided that I shall no longer hide my nerdy ways and should just let them be. I talk day in and day out with my friends about books, writing, shows’ (nerdy shows) and just about anything you can think of that involves novels. For this reason I decided that I should talk with the lot of you about those things too. Now why would I have a one sided conversation about being a nerd? Because I'm just that awesome and I figure if you don't respond I can pretend you actually care and actually read this (I'm not holding my breath on that by the way.) All in all here it goes, chirping nerd with my fellow nerds.

GO Nerdfighters!

... I probably forgot to mention something but we'll pretend I haven't.

Be happy,

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